
Welcome to the new www.byshenk.net page

This is yet another new version of my site. The last version had been running for more than ten years, so it seemed time to update.

The new site uses WordPress instead of Geeklog, but I’ve transferred the relevant content over from the old site. Most of it is extremely old, but could conceiveably be of interest to someone. I haven’t transferred the comments, as most of them are extremely old, and very few are anything but spam. I may do so in the future. 

I don’t think this site will change much more often than the last one. But that could change; there were some periods of regular activity in the past.

Of course, I have at least some useful content here, most notably my Help! I’ve Been Spammed! What do I do? FAQ, as well as other useful net abuse information. This is somewhat out of date, but not completely useless.

This site is hosted on a VPS at TransIP, with whom I am quite satisfied.